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UX/UI Designer, User Researcher, Information Design

48 Hours


Figma, Procreate


Gaurav & Justin

The Problem

Language learning can often feel like a solitary journey, leaving learners feeling isolated and lacking in accountability. Without a supportive community or structure to keep them engaged, many struggle to stay motivated and make consistent progress. 

The Solution

Our solution aims to tackle this challenge head-on by fostering a sense of belonging and responsibility within a vibrant learning ecosystem. Through gamification features, peer support networks, and personalized goal tracking, we empower users to connect with others, share experiences, and hold each other accountable on their language learning journey. 


"How Might We?" Statements

The theme for this Designathon was "How might we use elements of everyday life to promote bonding and relationship-building?”. Relating back to my everyday life of learning Chinese, I felt that language learning was a very lonely experience. My teammates loved the idea and we stuck with that one very quickly in the beginning. We starting brainstorming on Figma writing any feature we thought could add to the app. 

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Audience Surveys

To learn more about this problem and better understand the experiences of our target audience; college students, I conducted a google forms survey containing multiple questions centered around experiences with language learning and accountability to identify any pain points with current learning behaviors.

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Comparative Analysis

To begin our journey in developing a language learning app, we delved into research focused on prominent language learning platforms such as Duolingo. We scoured for existing resources, forums, and online communities where language learners congregated to share insights and support one another. However, our exploration uncovered a noticeable gap in accessible resources and community engagement for language learners and a lack of accountability; having users often quit after one week of learning.


Inspired by our findings, we envisioned an app that not only provided language learning resources but also fostered a vibrant community where users could interact, share cultural insights, and support each other's learning journeys. 


Lo-Fi Prototypes

In my low-fi sketches, I created basic wireframes that helped me visualize the different screens I wanted to display for each interactive feature.



Hi-Fi Prototypes

In response to valuable feedback from Designathon mentors, my final prototype places a significant emphasis on fostering relationships within the language learning journey. By prioritizing features that facilitate interaction and connection, users can build meaningful relationships with peers who share similar language learning goals.

Moreover, the prototype addresses the audience's strong desire for accountability by introducing competitive elements. Users can now engage in friendly competition with their learning buddies, motivating each other to stay on track and strive for progress. This gamified approach not only adds an element of fun but also reinforces accountability through shared goals and achievements.

With these enhancements, the app transforms the language learning experience into a dynamic and collaborative journey, where users support and challenge each other every step of the way.


Final Takeaways

Throughout the development process of my language learning app prototype, I've not only gained invaluable insights but also witnessed significant personal growth, which has enhanced my skills and approach to project management:

  1. Auto Layout in Figma.✍🏻Understanding this aspect of layout management ensures that the app interfaces seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes and orientations, resulting in a consistent and user-friendly experience across devices. (And how useful it is)

  2. Time management is crucial in a time crunch.⏱️ There needed to be a balance between perfecting the high fidelity prototype while allocating time for the client pitches/slides.

  3. Collaborating for long periods of time.👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽This project was a test of team building and collaboration. Engaging with group members for 48 hours straight is not an easy task! To solve these problems, over communication and active listening was key to understanding everybody's voices and concerns. I ended up loving the process.


In summary, my experience developing the Janus was invaluable. These key takeaways have enriched my approach to UX/UI Design and project management.

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